OSCP Certified Pentesting, Red Teaming, Phishing Campaign, and more tailored to your business needs.
Proudly Canadian owned and operated, based in Alberta. We strive to stimulate the local economy and encourage the growth of local talent.
Explore Our ServicesIdentify weaknesses in your systems before attackers do with targeted penetration tests designed to reveal vulnerabilities in your infrastructure.
Simulate real-world attacks on your infrastructure to assess your defenses under pressure, providing a comprehensive evaluation of your security posture.
Test and educate your employees with controlled, customized phishing attacks, enhancing their ability to recognize and respond to real threats.
Gain expert guidance on implementing secure practices within your organization, tailored to your unique business needs and industry standards.
Identify and prioritize vulnerabilities in your network through systematic evaluations, enabling you to enhance your security posture effectively.
Get a glimpse of our reporting format and insights by viewing a sample penetration test report.
View Sample ReportWe specialize in offensive cybersecurity solutions designed to preemptively identify and mitigate risks. Our team combines technical expertise with a deep understanding of evolving threats to ensure your organization stays protected against today’s cyber challenges.
Proudly OSCP Certified, our professionals bring proven skills and knowledge to every engagement.
As a Canadian company based in Alberta, we are committed to stimulating the local economy and fostering the growth of local talent within the cybersecurity industry.
Contact us to discuss how we can help secure your organization.